Congratulations on the planned baptism of your child!
Please call the parish office for more information and/or to schedule the Baptism. Once the necessary information has been gathered, most dates for the Sacrament can be accomodated.
If this is your first child, we do require you take a Baptism Preparation Class prior to the Baptism. It is recommended that the class be taken prior to the birth of your child, however it is perfectly fine to take it after the blessed event. In that instance, it is suggested that childcare arrangements be made to allow the parents to attend. The class is a one time session that lasts approximately 2 hours, and is scheduled at the mutual convenience of the participants and facilitator. Godparents are most certainly welcome, but not required, to attend.
Couples seeking Baptism for their child must have been married in the Catholic Church or have received the proper dispensations. Married couples who have not received the Sacrament of Marriage in the Church, single parents or unmarried couples are welcome to bring their child to Baptism in the Faith, but are asked to schedule an appointment to meet with the Rector prior to scheduling the Baptism.
Parents must select one practicing Roman Catholic Godparent who is in good standing with the Church. If two Godparents are selected, they must be of opposite gender. A non-Catholic, baptized Christian may be chosen as a Christian Witness, as long as one Godparent is Catholic.
The Catholic Godparent:
The chosen Catholic Godparent is asked to provide the Godparent Affidavit signed and sealed by their pastor at least 30 days prior to the Baptism.