The Easter Vigil consists of four parts:
The Service of Light
Liturgy of the Word
Liturgy of Baptism
Liturgy of the Eucharist
In a suitable place, a "blazing fire" ( rogus ardens) is to be prepared so that the people may experience the flames dispelling the darkness and lighting up the night. Thus do the beauty of the fire, its warmth and its light, draw the liturgical assembly together. As the celebrant blesses the fire he says a prayer with hands outstretched.
The Paschal Candle is brought forward. The Paschal Candle is the symbol of the "light of Christ, rising in glory," scattering the "darkness of our hearts and minds." Jesus is the light of the world.
The celebrant cuts a cross into the candle. Then he makes the Greek letter Alpha above the cross, the letter Omega below it, and the four numerals of the current year between the arms of the cross. After these rites, the priest lights the Paschal Candle from the new fire and says: May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.
After the procession, the Easter Proclaimation is proclaimed from the ambo. This poetic text captures the whole Easter mystery placed within the context of the economy of salvation.
One of the unique aspects of the Easter Vigil is the recounting of the outstanding deeds of the history of salvation. These deeds are related in seven readings from the Old Testament chosen from the law and the prophets and two readings from the New Testament, namely from the apostles and from the gospel. Thus, the Lord "beginning with Moses and all the prophets" meets us once again on our journey and, opening up our minds and hearts, prepares us to share in the breaking of the bread and the drinking of the cup.
After the readings, the liturgy of Baptism begins. Christ's Passover and ours are given full expression when baptismal water is blessed in the font and when the Christian Initiation of Adults takes place at the Easter Vigil. While the new members of the community are baptized, the faithful join in renewing our promises as the whole community is sprinkled with the water as we remember our baptism.
Regarding the Eucharist, we are reminded "about the preciousness of so great a mystery, which is the climax of initiation and the center of the Christian life". The Easter Vigil comes to a climax in the sharing of the Eucharist.